Why Do Dogs Dig?
If your dog loves to dig, you'll know how frustrating it can be. Manicured lawns and well-kept flowerbeds don't last long when your dog gets his paws into them!
If you've ever wondered why your dog digs then you're in the right place. In today's post, we'll look at some of the most common reasons for digging, and explore ways you can manage and reduce the habit.
So, let's get started ...
To Bury Food for Later
Burying food is an instinctive behavior. It's inherited from the wild ancestors of domesticated dogs that would hide food to eat in times of scarcity. Modern dogs will bury bones, treats, and other food items to eat later. They may even hide food under furniture and other household items.
If your dog digs to bury food, avoid giving him food items that he won't finish immediately.
To Relieve Stress and Anxiety
Dogs are sensitive creatures, and can react negatively to changes in their routine or environment. When dogs experience stress and anxiety, they may use digging as a way to relieve these negative feelings.
Common causes of stress and anxiety include a new person or pet around the house, or changes in the daily routine of the household. If you suspect that your dog's digging is caused by stress and anxiety, reassure them and give them extra attention as they adapt to the changes around them.
To Escape
If your dog is outside in a confined area, he may have escape on his mind. Dogs that spend a lot of time in an enclosed space are prone to boredom. They may well figure out that there's a world of adventure waiting for them beyond the fence!
If your dog is digging to escape the yard, pay attention to possible reasons why. Separation anxiety is a common cause of digging to escape. A veterinarian or dog behaviorist can advise you on ways to tackle this behavior.
To Keep Cool
Digging can be a way for your dog to keep cool in the warm summer months. The surface of the ground can be hot and uncomfortable to lie on in hot weather, so dogs will dig down to cooler layers of earth to make a comfortable bed.
If your dog digs to try and keep cool, provide a shaded area away from direct sunlight. Keep your dog inside during the hottest part of the day, or on days when it's especially hot and sunny.
Because They're Bored
To put it simply, digging can be a lot of fun!
If you have a big yard, get your dog their own sandbox and bury toys and treats in it to set up a treasure hunt for them. In the summer, you can also wet the sand to give them a cool ground patch to lay on!
Next Article: How to Keep Your Dog Busy at Home