It’s no secret we think dogs are a pretty big deal. When our team member Tara first joined us, she was fostering a dog named Gia from our local SPCA in Montreal. Gia had been part of a cruelty investigation and needed to be fostered while the case went through the legal system.

A few months later (three years ago this month!) we got the good news that Tara was adopting Gia and she’d be officially joining our team! Despite her sad past she adores people, is great with kids and is really laid back… like super-duper laid back.

At Earth Rated we’re lucky to share our office with all kinds of dogs, and Gia has given us all a soft spot for rescue pit bulls. With today being National Pit Bull Day, we’re extra proud to tell her story and support several organizations like
I’m Not A Monster and
The Unexpected Pit Bull that work hard to help pit bulls and other breeds that are sometimes affected by negative public perception and unfair legislation.

While we know the breed of a dog doesn’t necessarily denote their behavior or personality, we totally get the love many dog people have for particular breeds for their own reasons (for example, pit bulls are awesome and some other breeds even have VERY smooshy faces!). In short, we love pit bulls and we also just love all the dogs.

More recently, our team got an even newer addition a few months ago with baby AJ, who’s great to have around even though he’s not really a hard worker. So, we were all sitting around in the office one day with a baby and a dog (it’s a fun place!) and this happened. Enjoy, and Happy Halloween!